Reciprocity is an idea whose time has come.
We live in an era where now, more than ever, we realize and we remember that we are not separate. This points us to the Universal Law of Reciprocity.
Reciprocity stands on the foundation that there is no separation, and states that we receive everything we send out. When we give of ourselves in a meaningful way, we innately receive what we have given. This law has been known by many names in ancient cultures: Ayni & Ubuntu come from Quechua people of the Andes and Zulu people in Africa, respectively.
The Old and New Testament invoke the same principle, as do the Koran and and the Ancient Hindu and Zoroastrian texts. Reciprocity was in some regard common knowledge back in the day. Now, today, and into our future. The time is arriving for us to remember and re-embody the principle and energetics of Reciprocity.
Reciprocity is an idea whose time has come.
We live in an era where now, more than ever, we realize and we remember that we are not separate. This points us to the Universal Law of Reciprocity.
Reciprocity stands on the foundation that there is no separation, and states that we receive everything we send out. When we give of ourselves in a meaningful way, we innately receive what we have given. This law has been known by many names in ancient cultures: Ayni & Ubuntu come from Quechua people of the Andes and Zulu people in Africa, respectively.
The Old and New Testament invoke the same principle, as do the Koran and and the Ancient Hindu and Zoroastrian texts. Reciprocity was in some regard common knowledge back in the day. Now, today, and into our future. The time is arriving for us to remember and re-embody the principle and energetics of Reciprocity.

Fast forward to modern society... Where we have been taught to save and keep and separate. Private property; me vs. you; the need to sequester resources; disconnection from the whole.
This offering is intended to be an embodiment of Reciprocity. Knowing that we are always supported, we are always abundant, we are always connected to everything, and we are always connected to Mother Earth. We are also stewards of this land and this planet that we call home. We are not possessors and owners, we are here to co-exist and co-create with the natural world.
Your value exists beyond financial currency, beyond media, beyond the world we see transforming. Deep down you know that. You also know that you have a symbiotic relationship with our Mother Planet. As such, all of the events and trainings that are offered are offered under the Law or Principle of Reciprocity.
This offering is intended to be an embodiment of Reciprocity. Knowing that we are always supported, we are always abundant, we are always connected to everything, and we are always connected to Mother Earth. We are also stewards of this land and this planet that we call home. We are not possessors and owners, we are here to co-exist and co-create with the natural world.
Your value exists beyond financial currency, beyond media, beyond the world we see transforming. Deep down you know that. You also know that you have a symbiotic relationship with our Mother Planet. As such, all of the events and trainings that are offered are offered under the Law or Principle of Reciprocity.
We can deepen our understanding of Reciprocity via the Andean principle of Ayni and the African value of Ubuntu.